When Do Hemorrhoids Need to Be Treated?


At Denver Digestive Health Specialists, the subject of hemorrhoids frequently arises during consultations with our patients. These inflamed blood vessels, either inside your lower rectum or encircling your anus, are often responsible for uncomfortable symptoms such as itchiness, aching, and in some cases, rectal bleeding. Neglecting these symptoms can elevate the risk of experiencing more severe health problems in the future.

Denver Digestive Health Specialists, a key player in the field of gastrointestinal health, is dedicated to the education of its patients. In this post, you'll gain insights from GI doctors in Denver, CO regarding how to approach the care of hemorrhoids and when to seek medical attention.

What's the importance of identifying the types of hemorrhoids you might have?

A well-informed patient is better prepared to make health-related decisions, especially regarding hemorrhoids. The condition essentially comes in two varieties:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Situated within the rectum, these are usually free of pain but can lead to instances of bleeding.
  • External hemorrhoids: Located under the skin surrounding the anus, these are generally more painful and can cause significant discomfort.

Understanding which type of hemorrhoids you're dealing with enables you to seek the most effective medical help.

Is there any chance that hemorrhoids might disappear on their own?

A frequently raised concern is whether hemorrhoids will resolve themselves without medical intervention. Although some less severe cases might improve naturally, it's usually wise to consult our Denver, CO GI providers for a thorough diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

When do hemorrhoids become a medical issue that demands professional evaluation?

Symptoms like chronic itching, ongoing discomfort, or the appearance of blood during bowel movements should prompt you to seek professional medical advice. The options for treatment will vary based on your specific situation but can include:

  • Prescription creams and medicated ointments
  • Warm baths infused with Epsom salt
  • Consuming a diet rich in fiber
  • Hemorrhoid banding techniques
  • Surgical removal in acute cases

For internal hemorrhoids, a simple change like increasing fiber in your diet is usually enough, but surgical methods might be considered for more severe instances.

Hemorrhoid relief in Denver, CO

Postponing medical consultation for hemorrhoids can escalate the issue. Acting promptly can substantially improve your overall wellness. If you find yourself dealing with symptoms indicative of hemorrhoids, we strongly advise contacting your closest Denver Digestive Health Specialists location. Our competent team of GI doctors will furnish you with an accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment plan. Don't hesitate to book your appointment today.

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